This is a great question. At Space City, we believe a person should be baptized when they are older and can make a personal decision to follow Christ. Since a baby cannot make and articulate that decision, we do not baptize them. Instead, a Baby Dedication is a declaration by the parents to raise their children in a Christian home and a joint prayer between the church and the parents that this child would choose to follow Christ as they grow up.
At Space City, we are completely flexible on this. Any age is good with us! Most people dedicate their babies in the first year. However, there is still a lot of variety, and we have also had many cases where a family comes to faith and wants to dedicate their school age children. This is great, too!
Sorry, but no. The Baby Dedication dates are set in harmony with the broader church calendar. Since we have dedications about four times a year, if one date doesn't work out, jump on the next one!